Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Foot in Mouth

I am SUCH a liar that I deserve first place in liars' hell.

So... I went to Pattaya, remember? I brought this good friend of mine (lets call him Teddyface) a box of chocolates and gave it to him yesterday. He was pleased, and I was pleased that he was pleased.

Then, this other mutual friend of ours (lets call him Hyper) calls me up just now and asks me where his chocolates are. Now, at this point, I could have said one of two things -

1. "They're with me" (which meant I could have gone out and bought a psedu-thai box and given it to him so as not to hurt his feelings)


2. "I didn't have time to shop." (another good excuse that one can get away with without hurting the person who's asking for gifts.)

But I said neither.

My addle-brained moment left me grappling for a good excuse and before I knew it, I'd blurted out that I gave the box of choccies with his share in it to Teddyface.

I could have gotten away with it, but within seconds Hyper decided to CALL Teddyface and ask for his chocs. Gulp. Teddyface had very rightly claimed that the chocolates were solely HIS.
What does Hyper do? He calls me back, to report on Teddyface's claim. And what do I do? Be a complete lying bitch and say "he's nuts... the chocs were for you both". Soon after, the shame got the better of me and I confessed that yes... I might have given Teddy the impression that the chocs were for him alone.

Had I known that teddyface was at the other end of Hyper's CONFERENCE CALL to me, silently bursting a vessel at my shameless treachery, I might have re-thought this business of lying through my teeth.

Now they're both pissed with me. Over a goddamn box of chocolates.

It's amazing how much trouble a lie can get you into..... I'm smarting from harsh lessons learnt.

I know...serves me right.


Anonymous said...

Fuck it, you're a chick. They'll get over it.

Dili said...

More like swallow-foot-whole Id say :)

Offer peace with apologies on bended knee while carrying Bags of chocolate?

Scrumps said...

It just shows that lying can't be good.... Especially when everyone knows everyone! :)

Anonymous said...

a right pickle indeed.

i say wait a few days and then send them both a small box of chocolates saying your sorry and i'm sure they will be cool about it..

other choice is to just wait it out.. i'm sure they will get over it.. lol

Lady divine said...

*me wonders who these 2 ppl are*

Jack Point said...

I know the feeling and this is one lesson i learned early. Never lie as the hoary old saying goes, its a tangled web we weave when we practise to decieve.

That said, David Blacker's statement sounds about right.

Sigma said...

Don't fret it so lass... tha said, I have a theory that lazy people don't lie - only cos it actually takes an effort to do so.... and if you are, like me, fundamentally lazy, the tendency is not to... just a random thought...

dramaqueen said...

Thanks everyone.

I have been forgiven since I wrote this post, so all is cool again.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that my bits of advice will not be needed since all is forgiven.. not that I had any great advice.. :)