Sunday, September 23, 2007

The Boredom Blog

So here I am... recuperating after 9 consecutive nights of performing on stage in 'Blood Brothers' by the Workshop Players , with our final show looming just three hours away. For the first time in about a month, I've actually allowed myself to sleep in, and it feels AWESOME. I haven't set a toe out of bed since I collapsed into it last night, and it's already 3.30 pm. With another hour to spare before I trudge off to the Lionel Wendt again, I thought I'd wake myself up by musing on this here blogpost.

I think the sleep and boredom combined have brought on a feeling of nostalgia in me, and I've spent the last hour or so going back to the memories of the many shows I've taken part in, and started taking stock of my life and how it's grown in 28 years. Thought I'd share these musings with those of you who are just as bored as I am, and have the voyeuristic urge to read about my uninteresting life.

I've come far. Further than I thought I would by this age, and yet, not far enough. Back when 28 seemed like years away, I always dreamt I'd be somewhere else by now - a wildlife vet, working in the african savannah and raising lion cubs in my living room. Or a Hollywood star, complete with artificially enhanced teeth, nose and boobs, sashaying down red carpets with gorgeous millionaires hanging on me for dear life. Or even an eminent Egyptologist, sifting out the next biggest find in the Queen's Valley (always figured I'd be the one to locate Akhenaten's missing mummy, and solve biblical mysteries).
But I haven't done any of it. I'm still here, wasting away in a land like no other, in bed and blogging.
That's not to say I haven't done anything with my life at all. I've done quite a bit more than the average female my age in this country, and I'm quite proud of it too. My school years were a lot more colourful than most, what with the adventures, rebellions, achievements and non-stop drama. Then there's everything else I've done since- working in five different industries that are as different to each other as chalk is to cheese, getting myself on TV as a show host, frequenting the stage and making a name for myself through it (both good and bad!), saving countless creatures from starvation, winning dance competitions, leading a colourful love-life with three relationships in my past and one in the present (each an experience by itself), and now running an ad agency and using my creativity out there in the public. I know it's not very humble of me to harp on about what I've done, by why not? This is my blog, and I'm quite proud of how much I've managed to do in a short time, and it's nice to be able to talk about it. I'm no PHD case with a million public awards to my name, but neither am I hidden from view.

Yes, I'm very different to the person I thought I would be by now, but I'm not regretting the way life has developed in the least. I can only look forward to much more learning, laughing and loving in my future. Who knows.... Maybe I will realise some of those dreams someday, eh?

For now, I'm me.... trying to live in the moment. Speaking of which, it's time for me to bugger off to the Wendt and put on a costume.


Anonymous said...

here i am 3am in the morning... after the cast (and crew.. ahem) party... reading kottu and then i see your blog post... and hence this reply...

from a physical fitness perspective... i appreciate your effort... 'cos its been 10 days plus a few late night rehearsals that you guys went thru and your muscles, connective tissue and bones are crying saying "please sleep for a few days and let us heal!!!"

i saw you guys run around, dancing and other stuff which exceed at least 6 mets...
so... you have my respect...

so... do you body justice and SLEEP FOR A FEW DAYS!!!!

Lady divine said...

All I can say is that we may have dreams and hopes... but sometimes life takes a totally different turn and we end up doing something else...

What matters is that in the 28yrs you've achieved and accomplished a lot...

So Dear Drama Queen, it's time we got together and enjoyed all what you've achieved!!

and here's to many more accomplishments... and a fabulous life!!!!
With love and best wishes!

dramaqueen said...

Shehal - Hell yeah... I plan to sleep like I've never slept before. Problem is, I have a day job, and I still have to wake up for it. My connective tissue's starting to complain....

LD - ditto, dahling! (clinks glass and cheers for self)

Azrael said...

Totally Agree with Lady D. Life just has a funny way of doing things. If it throws lemons at ya, you better make the best lemonade from it eh?

Hey You've done more things in your 28 years than many of us so can be proud of that.

Wish you all the best in all you future endeavors. Looking forward for another excellent performance in the next production. :D


dramaqueen said...

Cheers back Azrael! Hopefully, you'll be part of the cast next time around, eh?