Saturday, October 13, 2007


Another Sunday. The days are flying by too fast, and then again, not fast enough. I'm dreading the inevitable move out of the office at the end of this coming week, but also quite eagerly looking forward to 10days of doing nothing before starting at the new place.
A lot's been going on in this muddled mind of mine, besides the work-related stuff. Life's little variables are starting to become a royal pain in the ass, and I'm suddenly feeling very sick of it all.
Not like you want to know, but my sinusitis made a comeback last week and hasn't had the decency to leave, which means the ol' head feels like ton of bricks, and the nose hasn't enjoyed air for sometime. My brother the newly-graduated quack says that the case is severe, and calls for a draining of the inner mush, which requires me to stick a tube-needle up my nostril and break the bone to suck out the hardened pus.

Enjoy your meal after reading THAT.

I have still to decide whether I want to put myself through all that nonsense, or wait till it clears on its own. Meanwhile, the condition it's in at the moment is making me drowsy and irritable, and life is certainly not cheerful.

Similar to the clogged sinus, several other elements in my life are giving me reasons to ponder on their longevity and feasibility. (Ooh look I used big words.... good girl.) Feels like life is changing in many ways, and I don't really know what to do about it. A classic case of heart Vs. head Vs.gut. What do you do when you know that certain decisions you make will hurt other people that you don't want to hurt? Like, for a long time? And how do you know it's the right decision to make?

Adulthood sucks.


Azrael said...

Yeah adulthood sucks big time :D

You never know what the right decision is, it's a matter of trial and error :(

Since you have some time off coming up, why don't you take a little trip or something. A little time away from everything, just for you.

Hope you get better soon and good luck with the new job


dramaqueen said...

Azrael, that's a bloody good idea. Unfortunately, i tried the whole sabbatical thing once, and it left me more confused....

But it doesn't hurt to try again.

Dili said...

Wonder if there's any way to stop the ageing process at 12,13 years... So much simpler then. Someone crossed you, you just push them in the mud. Cant do that now without a seat in the parliament. :P